I took a drive around yesterday with my camera so that I could take some pictures of a few of the homes that are visual nuisances. I was looking for a winner of my new monthly picture post of the "Worst of the Worst". I found the perfect house to start it off.
The house is located at 933 Guam Street. The owner is Lewis Gildon. Mr. Gildon actually rented this house out to a single young girl. I've heard that she has had fight after fight with her boyfriend and he has beat her to the point of having to go to the hospital. I hear that she has vacated the premises as of right now but all of her stuff is left inside. These are the houses we have to work hard on. This owner should not be allowed to let this house remain in this condition, nor should he be allowed to rent this to any human being.
What can we do?? We can file a complaint against this home owner for his house being a nuisance house. A nuisance house is one that looks like this and YOU have to look at it from your home. Please file your complaint at Wake Village City Hall.
I took a drive around yesterday with my camera so that I could take some pictures of a few of the homes that are visual nuisances. I was looking for a winner of my new monthly picture post of the "Worst of the Worst". I found the perfect house to start it off.
The house is located at 933 Guam Street. The owner is Lewis Gildon. Mr. Gildon actually rented this house out to a single young girl. I've heard that she has had fight after fight with her boyfriend and he has beat her to the point of having to go to the hospital. I hear that she has vacated the premises as of right now but all of her stuff is left inside. These are the houses we have to work hard on. This owner should not be allowed to let this house remain in this condition, nor should he be allowed to rent this to any human being.
What can we do?? We can file a complaint against this home owner for his house being a nuisance house. A nuisance house is one that looks like this and YOU have to look at it from your home. Please file your complaint at Wake Village City Hall.
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