Sunday, August 23, 2009

concerning litter

For the past few days my husband and I have noticed partial pack's of cigarrette's in our yard. Not at the edge of our yard, but up around the back of carport close to the house. We have not found any butts yets, nor smell of smoke, but I am suspicious of possible activity around our house. Maybe someone watching for times we go to bed, or are down in the den, which is where we found the latest pack(outside the den window!). I am not thrilled to know someone is possibly watching our routines. I wanted everyone to be on the lookout for anything like this in their own yards.
This happened at 805 Guam.

Friday, August 21, 2009

a petty thief in the night

sometime last night someone came onto our property, came all the way up the carport and stole a basket of old table linens off the carport. All while the carport was illuminated by the carport light. It is not that they took something valuable, it is that this person, or persons came onto our property uninvited, at night, and took something that did not belong to them. My husbands truck was stolen one night after we went to bed as well. Not gonna take it lying down! I did call the police dept, and Officer Neff came and talked to us.

I want to say Thank You to the local Police Dept for all of their hard work. They can't be everywhere all the time.But, they come, when they are called.

Pam Nichols
805 Guam

Monday, August 17, 2009


Our neighborhood watch made the front page! Today's paper had a picture of us on the Front page and in full color. The story was great and I hope it gets a lot of attention. If you are in the area and have not yet gotten involved in the is the time! Keep looking out for your neighbors and calling in the bad things you see. If you see an officer...tell him THANK YOU!

Thursday, August 6, 2009


The suspected drug dealer mentioned in a previous blog that goes by the name "Stubby" has been arrested for trafficing drugs. He was caught with a substantial amount of several different drugs. It is supected that he was supplying drugs to several dealers in the area. Maybe with their supplier gone they will consider relocating to another area outside of Wake Village. Our local law enforcement along with an outside agency has worked hard to get an ironclad bust on this individual. Next time you see an officer...Thank Him...